draining's Diaryland Diary


funny quiz

i'm a shithead
Current mood: wasted but not on drugs
Category: Quiz/Survey

1) Is your display name from a song?: no
2) Do you have over 100 friends?: no
3) Do you have pictures of yourself?: yes
4) Do you get 1-3 comments every day?:no
5) Do you have a song?: tomorrow, wendy let my people go, plague mass, mozart's requiem mass, tommorow never knows possession
1) Sneak into a rated R movie?: no, i'm 27
2) Sleep in the same bed?: yes
3) Rob a bank?: no
4) Team up together and kill someone?: no

1) Do you have a wood floor or carpet?: wood floor
2) Are your walls painted bright colors?: no.
3) Do you have artwork hanging up on the walls?: yeah, but some of it's by a complete bitch
4) Do you have clothes on the floor?: no! what a surprise!
5) Do you have stuffed animals?: yes
6) Do you have a hidden stash of candy somewhere?: no
7) Do you have your own TV?: my parents do, and unfortunately i live with them
8) Do you have over 100 CD's?: oh yeah, and some tapes and records, too
9) Do you have a bunch of pictures of bands?: yes

1) Would you ever sing a solo?: what? i think i've done this many times.
2) Take an hour-long shower?: no
3) Smoke pot just to be cool?: not anymore... I wear a button that says drugs suck
4) Make a mean myspace for someone you hate?: I hate people mentioned on myspace: sue, mick jagger (that's a hate/love thing), sally, mary, sue, and rachel
5) Spend all night on homework:? no, i'm done with school finally
1) More than one person?: yes. three of them are dead
3) Daisies?: I just picked some for my mom today and put them in a glass of water for her and she's going to press them! funny that you asked that question... coincidence
4) To paint your fingernails?: yeah
6) Black raspberry ice cream?: haven't had it, but my ice cream interests are more in line with CHOCOLATE.
8) The beach?: no fucking way, man
9) Cats?: i'd MUCH rather have cats than kids, I LOVE cats, especially mr. george. on the kids thing: i plan on getting my tubes ties once i have enough dough

Do you miss someone?: james, kevin, jack, grandmas, grandpas, great grandma, sarah g, small, 80, josh
Do you wish you were somewhere else?: yes
Do you have plans for tonight?: hopefully sleeping
Are you wearing makeup?: i think my lipstick wore out, but i'm not sure. also, does nail polish count? if so, yes.
Are you wearing chapstick?: it wore off
Are you excited?: more like depressed, guilty, and apathetic
Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?: adam
Who is in the room with you?: no one
Who was the last person to IM you?: some raunchy dude who was looking for a piece of ass
Who's your favourite relative?: my mom
Who gets on your nerves the most from school?: i'm not in school
What was the last thing you ate?: clam chowder
What was the last thing you drank?: unsweeted iced tea
What color pants are you wearing?: orange knickers
What is the closest item near you that is blue?: my earrings
What do you like about school?: not being in school anymore
What song are you currently listening to?:some song by yoko ono
What are you wearing on your feet?: nail polish
What instant messaging service do you use?: AIM
What is your most used away message?: we all create outr own demons, and we ourselves must exorcise them
What is your favourite website?: amazon, myspace, diaryland, suicidegirls, xanga
What is your favourite shoe brand?: as if... fucker :)
What do you wear more, jeans or skirts?: i wear jeans with skirts
What is the last movie watched?: parts of the godfather because i was in the room when my dad was watching it
What do you currently hear?: yoko ono
When is your birthday?: 4/15/79
When did you last go to the mall?: about a week ago
When did you last buy a new pair of pants?: about a week ago... I still need to get them hemmed
When were you last at school?: may
Where do you go to school?: nowhere... this is getting fucking redundant
Where is your phone?: on my desk
Where do you sleep?: in my bed
Where do you shop the most?:carsons. dr. wax, borders, best buy, reckless records, urban outfitters, vagabond imports, the peacock
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?: rainn.org
Where did you last take a car ride to?: to buy smokes
Where in your room are you?: in my study
Why do you have myspace?: what the fucking fuck, man??!!!
Why does basically half the world have a MySpace?: see above
Why did you pick your MySpace user name? it's the name kathleen hanna used when she wrote her thesis fuck me blind at evergreen.
Why do we have to go to school?:to experiance verbal and emotional abuse and boring as hell lectures and to wake p super early to take the el downtown or to drive dowtown and to pay losts of dough for parking
Where was your main picture taken?: in the rose garden at the bahai temple in wilmette, IL, USA

Currently listening:
Walking on Thin Ice
By Yoko Ono
Release date: By 20 March, 1992

2:11 a.m. - 2006-07-12


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